AML Webinars


The 21st Anniversary of the
Defeat of the Republic Referendum

A webinar featuring the Hon. Nick Minchin AO plus monarchists Rachel Bailes, Jeremy Mann, Scott Coleman and Laura Smith.

Talk by Mitch Ramsay-Mader— 29 October 2020

"The Monarchy in Canada"

Talk by Scott Coleman — 1 October 2020

"The Jewels in the Crown: Silent Witnesses to History"

Talk by Beverley McArthur MP — 28 August 2020

"The Socialist Republic of Victoria - the failure of the Victorian Government to manage the virus - why you wouldn’t want a republic in Australia” 

Talk by Jarrod Bleijie MP — 30 July 2020

Jarrod speaks on the topic "Why I am a Monarchist"

Talk by Sean Burke, Politicom — 16 July 2020

Sean presents on the topic "China v Australian Sovereignty"

Presentation by Sean Jacobs — 2 July 2020

Sean Jacobs speaks on "What's Driving an Australian Republic?"

Talk by Sir Julian Brazier — 18 June 2020

AML From a Youth Perspective — 4 June 2020

Presented by Philip Benwell, Jeremy Mann and Alessandro Rosini

Talk by Senator Hon. Eric Abetz — 21 May 2020

Senator Hon. Eric Abetz speaks on "Post Brexit: The opportunities of CANZUK"

Talk by Ms Sophie York — 7 May 2020

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